Zixiang Xu (徐子翔) is an undergraduate student at the College of Computer Science, and a visiting student at MBZUAI under the supervision of Prof. Xiuying Chen. He is expected to graduate in June 2026. His current research interests lie in AI alignment and AI4Science.

Previously, Zixiang was a summer research student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he worked under the guidance of Prof. Elenna R. Dugundji. Additionally, he completed a research internship at the Microsoft (Asia) Internet Engineering Institute, focusing on Visual Language Models (VLMs).

Actively seeking research internship opportunities, with a strong determination to apply for a PhD program in Fall 2026.

🔥 News

  • 2024.10:  🎉🎉 One paper has been accepted by TRB 2024!.
  • 2024.07:  🎉🎉 One paper has been accepted by ACM MM 2024!.

    Every grand ambition starts with a humble beginning—one day, this place will be filled with news.

📝 Publications


Cross-Lingual Pitfalls: Automatic Probing Cross-Lingual Weakness of Multilingual Large Language Models

Zixiang Xu*, Yanbo Wang*, Yue Huang*, Xiuying Chen, Jieyu Zhao, Meng Jiang, Xiangliang Zhang (*: Equal Contribution).

ICLR workshop 2025

Breaking Focus: Contextual Distraction Curse in Large Language Models

Yanbo Wang*, Zixiang Xu*, Yue Huang*, Chujie Gao, Siyuan Wu, Jiayi Ye, Xiuying Chen, Pin-Yu Chen, Xiangliang Zhang (*: Equal Contribution).

TRB 2024

Temporal-IRL: Modeling Port Congestion and Berth Scheduling with Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Yikuan Hu*, Zixiang Xu*, Wei Zhang*, Xinyu Yang*, Guo Li*, Nikolay Aristov, Mingjie Tang, Elenna R Dugundji(*: Equal contribution)

ACM MM 2024

GenUDC: High Quality 3D Mesh Generation With Unsigned Dual Contouring Representation

Ruowei Wang, Jiaqi Li, Dan Zeng, Xueqi Ma, Xu Zixiang, Jianwei Zhang, Qijun Zhao

🎖 Honors and Awards

Major Awards

  • CCF Elite Collegiate Award (2024)
  • Gold Medal, ACM-ICPC Asia Jinan Regional Contest (2022)
  • Silver Medal, National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) (2020)
  • Bronze Medal, ACM-ICPC Asia-East Continent Final Contest (2022)

Other Honors

  • First Prize, National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces (NOIP) (2021) - 6th Place in Hubei Province
  • Silver Medal, National Olympiad in Informatics Winter Camp (NOI WC) (2021)
  • Bronze Medal, Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO) (2020)
  • Silver Medal, ICPC Nanjing Regional Contest (2022)
  • Bronze Medal, ICPC East Continent Final (2022)
  • Silver Medal, China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) (2022)
  • Gold Medal, ACM Provincial Contest (2022) - 3rd Place in Sichuan Province
  • Gold Medal, ACM Provincial Contest (2023) - 2nd Place in Sichuan Province
  • First Prize, CSP-S (2019, 2020, 2021)